This is a web page about us, I'm J, also the creator of this website. You see, I'm suppose to have my real name written on here, but my feeling tells me that it's not a smart thing to do. So just remember me as J, oh and a fun fact that you might already know: J is for Joker in playing cards. Just like S is for spade, and K is for King. Well, the reason we use playing cards is that a lot of Phantom Thieves likes to use it. There's many Phantom thieves using "Joker" as their code name.
Here are some fun fact about me, J. My favorite Phantom Thief is Kid, second is Arsene Lupin, third...I think it's Joker (persona 5). I like cold colors more than warm colors. I've been thinking for a long time on picking the topic for this website, between Detective and Phantom Thief, I choose Phantom Thief, because I know more about Phantom Thieves than Detectives. Oh, and my favorite Detective is Sherlock Holmes(original), second is Edogawa Conan(Detective Conan/Case Closed), third is Sherlock Holmes(SHERLOCK).
To contact me
fanj0928@gmail.comAnd Here are some Fun Facts about other Guides.
S: Always jumps arcoss and back the line that lies between genius and madness, Histrionic personality disorder, likes to make things dramatic, drama queen, nice person(if you don't anger him), loves art.
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Birday: June 1
Hair color: Azure Blue
Eye color: Red
Card code name: Spade
K: Also likes to make things dramatic, but not as much as S likes, gentleman, sometimes a little childish, everyone likes him(maybe except for Q because Q hated it when people make things dramatic, while S and K thinks that it's fun).
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthday: June 21
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Sky blue
Card code name: King
Q: queen, trying to get S and K more...serious, talks very straight, plays the role of big sister in the guides.
A: Girl that sometimes act like a boy, lion(cat).